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Snooper 1.40.1

2-03-2014, 22:33Warez (Автор: kinogrant)

 Snooper 1.40.1

Snooper - программа-шпион по-тихому пишет все звуки улавливаемые микрофоном в помещении во время вашего отсутствия. Когда в помещение тишина или звуки не определяются как речевые, она тихо спит. Делает отметку на записанных MP3 -файлах о времени записи. Выполнив заданный Вами, объем записи программка также по-тихому скинет на указанное мыло все,
что она услышала вокруг интересующего Вас компьютера.

Дополнительная информация:
• Sound/Voice activated recording: Recordings are activated by detecting the incoming sound level.
• Dictation mode: Sound activated recording mode where all recordings are collected into a single file.
• Adjustable recording window: Records sound before and after the trigger occurs!
• Smart trigger: Apply filters and trigger sensitivity to achieve very accurate audio triggering.
• Noise cancellation: Suppresses unwanted signals according to a pre-recorded noise profile.
• Sound/Voice mail: Snooper can send the recording by e- mail automatically after a recording or be created manually.
• Recording Schedule: Snooper can start and stop recording at any time you set.
• Stealth: Snooper can hide itself from taskbar and tray meanwhile recording covertly.
• Direct Recording Support: Snooper can record on the fly for as long as you like without interruption.
• Encryption: Snooper can record and encrypt the sound files for secure transfer over internet.

Key Features:
• Sound/Voice activated recording: Recordings are activated by detecting the incoming sound level.
• Dictation mode: Sound activated recording mode where all recordings are collected into a single file.
• Adjustable recording window: Records sound before and after the trigger occurs! Prevents unwanted clipping of the recorded sound.
• Smart trigger: Apply filters and trigger sensitivity to achieve very accurate audio triggering.
• Noise cancellation: Suppresses unwanted signals according to a pre-recorded noise profile.
• Sound/Voice mail: Snooper can send the recording by e- mail automatically after a recording or be created manually.
• Recording Schedule: Snooper can start and stop recording at any time you set.
• Stealth: Snooper can hide itself from taskbar and tray meanwhile recording covertly.
• Direct Recording Support: Snooper can record on the fly for as long as you like without interruption.
• Encryption: Snooper can record and encrypt the sound files for secure transfer over internet.

Год выпуска: 2014
Операционная система: Windows® XP|Vista|7 & 8
Язык интерфейса: английский
Лекарство: serial
Размер: 11,71 Mb

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